Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Share Your Tears!

Have this weird feeling inside.
Like life is beautiful.
Weird only in the sense that I thought I already knew that.
But there is a warmth. Who knows what it comes from. Acceptance? Peace? Closure?
I feel like something is really right.
And the warmth glows more beautifully than beautiful ever did.

I've been sawing wood, building frames.
I got another commission today! I am much excited, the subject is beautiful.
And I have two works to paint for Australia and a work to paint for Chicago.
I am cutting and sawing and getting them all ready.

Then I have some paintings to do for my love.

And then...then I have some paintings to do for my *love*. For the love of it. For the love. The photos have been selected and I am building the boxes tonight. From the moment I decided to paint today amazing music sings of it's own accord in my head.

I hope to paint two impressive works tomorrow.
Impressive to me.
For it is my opinion I care about on this.

And I feel...with the warmth....I may do it.

In less waffly, more exciting news....SHARE YOUR TEARS TURNED ONE TODAY!
Very exciting.
I *must* get onto finding a way to make t-shirts for it.
I want, I want, I do.

1 comment:

Lyvvie said...

Happy Birthday SYT! Well done to you Sarah for keeping it going and making it so wonderful. Many returns!