Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's A Little Funny....

Because I don't actually think this sounds very scientific.

Scientific significance
Leaving aside the mythology part, the conch shell's significance can also be corroborated by science. If you try holding a shankha near your ear, the sound of the gently humming ocean can be heard. This is actually the natural vibration or cosmic energy of the Earth which gets magnified on entering the conch shell.

The vibrations from these conch shells can overpower evil forces from the Earth and at the same time also clear environmental pollution including healing the hole in the ozone layer which causes global warming. According to science, the blowing of a conch shell enhances the positive psychological vibrations such as courage, determination, hope, optimism, willpower, etc. in the blower as well as those around him.

You know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm, I found my mini conch while we were a Jekyll. I still listen to it regularly and there is enough sand so that I can smell the salt. I also have a conch and a coconut (works well when one says it) I got while visiting my friend who lives in Key West. I love the conch. The only part I found scientific is this "Conch shell enhances the positive psychological vibrations such as courage, determination, hope, optimism, willpower," I tell ya, I find myself in calmed by the sound and can regroup with the sound.